Saturday, April 07, 2007

Does Leanne Drader have a middle name?

Okay we're back. We survived the jungle. More on that later. First things first.

1. Comments: Yay. Thanks to Alice and Darryl and Carolyn. We were on a secret strike, refusing to write until we got comments. But now we are back. Comments keep us alive people. Do your part. MINA LEE we are waiting to hear from you. OLIVE CHAPMAN we know you are reading this. We have our sources. LEANNE DRADER - we would use your middle name in here if we knew it.

If you do not have a blogger account, the easiest thing to do is just click the anonymous button. Then add your name to the text of your message. Simple as that.

3. UPDATE: So to bring you up to speed, we will back track a bit. We spent a couple days on the island of Penang, where we just wandered around the streets and ate food. Found some good dim sum, explored China town, attempted to take a city tour, wandered the colonial district, ate seafood at an outdoor hawker centre on the edge of the, walk, eat, walk -the general theme to our stay in Penang.

The city of Georgetown (on Penang) has a lot of character, with many colorful old shophouses bordering the roads.
Yum. Curry noodles and iced coffee in China town.

We went to the tourist office to find out about a free city tour that they offer. We were given a map and told where to find a the free shuttle bus that runs past all the major sights. One of those get on and off as much as you want deals. It was scorching hot. It was free. What could go wrong? Well, we followed the directions, and asked again on the street to clarify where to pick up the shuttle bus. We were pointed to the bus stop that says "Free Shuttle Bus" which is what we were told to look for. We boarded the shuttle bus, and pulled out the map.

Hmmm. Things were not looking quite right. We were supposed to be seeing old colonial buildings. Instead we were looking something more reminiscent of Edmonton's suburbs. Hmmm. The bus then stops. At the newly constructed largest mall in Penang. great. So we got off and scouted out the mall for a half an hour. We saw the Gap, Guess jeans, Starbucks, Borders bookstore (owned by Chapters or vice versa?). It was great. Like walking into a Southgate mall parallel universe. great. really.

Here is the aforementioned shuttle bus in the parking lot. The plane added an additional element of excitement. We managed to save the day by finding the old buildings in the evening. We had a lovely stroll along the sea and finished off with a good meal at an outdoor hawker centre.


Josh and Njeri said...

Looking at your pictures of Penang food is cruel and unusual punishment. It's supper time, we have no food, and it's hot hot hot. Someone should fire the logistician. Wish I could be there with you.


Unknown said...

Pole Josh. That's rough. Try the old sprinkle technique. Do you have a way to get a parcel? I could send you a frog fan like the one we found Kendrah, and a spray bottle. Don't be too hard on the logistician. He just started the job.

We can try to tone it down a bit on the blog. Really don't mean to punish you. If it's any consolation the bugs are keeping us up all night and we've ingested enough pollution and second hand smoke in the last couple days to last us a lifetime! Hang in there.

Kendrah said...

Yeah. I'm hot too. Bloomin' hot. And I'm sick: having coughing fits and lost half of my voice today. I thought I had a fever too, but then I realized, no, that's just what it feels like to live here: burning up, clammy all's delightful. Thankfully, I have my frog fan which helps a bit, except when my wrist gets tired, or I want to type, or I fall asleep. Currently I'm hugging a frozen water bottle. It's heavenly. That iced coffee looks SO nice. We ran out of cold water today and the water in our cooler tastes like it just got scooped out of a warm bathtub. Mmmm.

But: "always look on the bright side of life, doo doo, dadodadodado..." right?

I still had a lovely Easter, complete with sausages and cheese omelettes for breakfast, and a lovely spontaneous Easter lunch with the neighbours. The Easter bunny even brought me some chocolate eggs.

But I want to go back to Thailand.... let me just scroll down a moment and re-live that moment at the pool-side. Sniff....

Leah said...

I just wanted to say that after putting on my raincoat over a wool sweater, feeling stinging cold rain against my face, willing my slow-moving cold fingers to open the mailbox, I RECEIVED MY PRIZE IN THE MAIL!!! thank you so much, I really like that my postcard rickshaw is so beautifully cut out along the edges. As far as I can tell, all its little details and bits made it here intact! And I love the warm smile on my driver's face! Lots of love to you both!

Janice said...

Keep it coming! I'm waiting for pictures of your time in the jungle.