Friday, March 30, 2007

Our Feet Are Tired

Just a little update. Sadly we are on a computer with no usb connection (hard to believe in this day and age!), so we cannot post pictures. We've moved on to Malaysia and spent a few days on the island of Penang, wandering old streets and eating noodles.

We are now in the Cameron highlands which is an old British hill station. It is delightful to be wearing long pants, long sleeves and feeling all cosy drinking tea. We have been in the heat for a long time. Today we decided to try out some trekking through the hills and made our way to a tea plantation. It was a long day, and 22km later...our feet are very sore. But the scenery was beautiful, lush green forest interspersed with hillsides of tea bushes.

Tomorrow, we are off to the famous Taman Negara jungle to continue the trekking theme. We may not have access to the internet for a few days, but will fill you in when we get back. Wish us luck. We hear there are leeches...and big rats...

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