Thursday, February 01, 2007

Everyone Almost Deserves to Be a Princess on Their Birthday

I love birthdays. My own that is. Every birthday I wake up believing that it really is my special
day and that I am entitled to specialness. I walk a little lighter, hold my head a little higher and pretend that every moment is mine to revel in.

So the plan was to celebrate this birthday in style. I had read ahead on the city of Mysore where we would be and we decided to forefit the grubbiness of our usual budget hotels for a real palace. I am not speaking metaphorically. There is actually an old palace there that was once used as retreat by Woodeyard princesses that has now been converted to a hotel. And this is where I would spend my birthday. Almost.

Turns out some group booked the entire place for the entire week. Unbelievable. On my birthday at that. So we staying in a budget hotel... and I begin to feel like this...

We did go and look at another palace that is now a museum and pretended we were royalty, but didn't quite have the colourful attire to fit in.

Then for lunch, we and had a nostalgic plate meal. It is delicious, ridiculously cheap and includes all the free refills you can eat. This is what Scott looks like on his third round of refills.

In the afternoon we saw a temple with 1000 steps leading up to it.

At least I got some excercise.

It was decided that we would splurge on a good resturaunt for supper, but we made a little stop on the way to check emails. Turns out many many people were online for a chat. So chat we did. When finally stumbling out of the internet cafe in a famished computer screen induced stuper we realized that everything on the streets had closed - resturaunts included. No supper. Happy Birthday to me.

Ah well, I could be in freezing cold Alberta writing report card comments. I won't complain.


Stephen said...

In Edmonton on Valentines day (Your birthday Hav), the temp. was -20 but with winds gusting and the coldest windchills feeling more like -39! And Scott, Parkland School Div. is going on strike. You're not missing much here, except us! We love catching up on all your adventures and we hope that you get to feel like a princess sometime soon Havilah! (or at least get supper)

Stephen, Tanya and Hope

jesperbot said...

Sorry - this accidentally got posted before I finished with it and therefore had the wrong date! My birthday is actually on the first of Feb, just in case any of you are keeping track! But thanks for the comment. Truly sorry about the nasty weather. Our condolences.

Unknown said...

I'm so jelious, it's like -20 here at the moment, awesome story telling Hav, it's nice to read this after a long day of skating and WORK. Keep the blog going strong.