Sunday, February 18, 2007

One Fine Sunday in Bangalore

We had a lovely Sunday in Bangalore, first attending a Methodist church with family friends, and taking a ride in a car I had rode in as a kid. This is also the car that started on fire when my cousin Isaac was in it.

After church, we met with Seventhi (who lived with our family in Beerasundra), her daughter Miriam, and her son Moses who took us to their house for a fabulous meal and entertained us for the afternoon. We had a great time sharing stories, and comparing life in India and Canada.

I took some chappati making lessons,

and had a chance to dress up in a sari.

Meanwhile, Scott repeatedly took a beating in chess playing against the invincible Moses.

Oh yes, and we found a fork that belonged to our family 22 years ago. How funny!

It was a great afternoon, and we left feeling more than stuffed and in great spirits.

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