Sunday, January 07, 2007

Scott Celebrates his Birthday in a Monumental Way

As it is Scott's birthday today, we decided to spend it in style viewing one of the wonders of the world - the beautiful Taj Mahal. Actually, it was purely coincidence, but fitting non the less, what with us being newly weds and in love and all (on the other hand it is actually a grave site.... so this could be interpreted a few different ways). Hmm. Well in any case it is a tribute to love so we'll leave it at that.

If you are not familiar with with the story of the Taj, take a look here.
The story:
The building:

It's quite spectacular to see in person and something you should all do at least once in your life. That is if you can get through security. To get into the site you've got to walk through a metal detector, undergo a thorough frisking,and then have your bags searched. The list of prohibited items includes cellphones, electrical cords, pens, calculators ( wouldn't want anybodys doing some math on the grounds!) among many others. We had quite a heap of confiscated items from our backpack that had to be put in a locker including...get this... our deck of cards! We did our best to argue this point but the security guard wouldn't budge. We still can't figure it out. Any ideas? What damage could we possibly do with playing cards?!? Ah well. We did manage to keep our bandaids. You can't win them all. But yes - the Taj Mahal - it's beautiful.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I think you can throw cards, you know... sideways-like. It could give someone a nasty papercut. :)