Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Trains, Trains, Trains

We've arrived in Varanasi tonight after a grueling 17 hour train ride from Agra(home of the Taj Mahal, pictures to come soon). We arrived at the train station last night to catch our train at 9 pm but were informed the train had been delayed by 1 hour, then 2 hours, then 3 hours. Finally, at midnight we boarded our car in pitch darkness and tried to find our bunk. Luckily it was the first one once we boarded so we climbed up, pulled out our sheets and blankets and tried to stay as warm as possible. It is quite cold at night which was augmented by the blasts of cold air coming in throught the windows.

We managed to sleep a little through the night and woke up optimistic that our train was back on schedule and by my calculations should arrive at 11 am. Turns out I was wrong. We were now told we would arrive at 4 pm. So we hunkered down and pulled out our books and read the day away. We had a berth to ourselves for most of the day except for one stop where we were greeted by about 15 male university students on our benches reading over our shoulders and telling us that we are beautiful and asking us for our autographs! We eventually arrived to Varanasi(home of the Ganges River) at 6 pm after many, many stops and starts of the train in the oddest places. We were beginning to think there was something wrong with the train. Anyway, we found a rickshaw when we arrived and headed to our posh hotel(we're spoiling ourselves tonight), where we washed up and dashed for the restaurant and had a huge meal, the highlight of which was a paneer cashew nut dish. We were famished after not eating all day, and it hit the spot.

Okay, time to take a shower and get to bed.



Josh and Njeri said...

Mmm...Indian food...VJ from Bombay says he is varrry varrry hangrrry. Happy trails.

Leah said...

Review by 'An Auntie"
A romantic and colourful adventure of two newly wed twenty-somethings. If, like me, you are unable to travel, this is the next best thing. The accounts are liberally seasoned with details which make the vicarious experience as rich and satisfying as a good Indian cooking. Five stars!!!

Unknown said...

As I read this post, I laugh only because I know exactly what you mean. HOW can they blast the air conditioning when you're already freezing on the bus?? A mystery. I feel excited reading about your adventures. Continue keeping us up to date.

Nichole said...

Hi Havilah! You are making me want to travel! Congratulations on your wedding, and travels....