Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Flu

I got the flu this week. I know what you are all thinking...and yes it's possible that it was indeed "that flu"but it wasn't severe enough to warrant testing, so I'll never know for sure. I missed a few days of work, but survived and am now on the mend. Speaking of mending, over the years I have developed a few key flu fighting strategies that I have decided to share with you here. Those of you that know me know that I am quite prone to catching germs (as are most who work with little kids) and so this comes with a significant amount of experience to back it up.

1. Drink Lots
I know we have heard this a thousand times, but I have taken this to a new level. What I mean by lots is non-stop. Just keep drinking until you are better. This doesn't work with cold liquids, which just make you feel sick if you drink too much, but I found that I can drink tea/hot water pretty much all day. Try it. It's the best remedy for sore throats.

2. Heated Coke with Ginger
Yes. It's exactly as it sounds. Pour some coke into a pot. Chop up big chunks of fresh ginger. Add to the pot. Simmer until it smells really strong and burns your eyes a little. Then drink. This one was reccomended to me in China. I was somewhat skeptical, thinking I was getting some great Chinese herbal rememdy and then finding out coke was an ingredient. But once again, try it. Clears up a stuffy head quite nicely.

3. Pickled Peppers
This one is for those extreme stuffy nose/sinus situations. You can't really feel the burn as you have lost your sense of taste, but with every pepper something pops in your head, and after at least half a jar, you are breathing freely again.


Kendrah said...

Well...I'm not happy that you've been sick. But I am happy that this has contributed to you posting frequently on your blog again. A very pleasant surprise. It's good to read from you. Beautiful yellowy sunshiny kitchen photos down below. Impressive Paper Bag Princess costume (Way better than when I tried to do the same in high school. Mine looked like it was made out of a paper bag that didn't survive the dragon's fire so well.) And go easy on the pickled peppers. How many half-jars have you had??

I've created a new game (see our brother's blog comments). It's Blog Word Verification Slang Teasers.

My Verification word is 'inedilly'.

inedilly: a predicament when one finds the best solution is to delay and 'dilly dally'. As in: 'I'm inadilly about going to the office as I know there's a huge stack of problems awaiting me'.

Unknown said...

timing couldn't be better. will be employing your home remedies today! thanks for sharing!