Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh where to begin?!

It's been a while. And so much has happened, it's hard to know where to begin. So here is my best attempt at a summary.

We made our way back to Canada last summer (07) for a whirlwind friends and family tour.

You know you're back in Alberta when......

Lost luggage arrives!!!!

A tent that was packed up in the pouring rain in Frankfurt + bags that were lost +
bags recovered several days later = the look on my face

Scott is reunited with an old friend

The summer was spent hanging out with fine friends such as these,

fine family such as these,

beaching Canadian style (at Tofino) - brrrrr

Mmmmm - fresh west coast crab
(Dinner with my Mom and Dad overlooking beautiful Sprout Lake, Port Alberni)
This was a delightful, relaxing time, but sadly we are very short on pictures to prove it.

and these,
Zubot family reunion (think non-stop music, wild dancing and lots of laughter..good times)

and celebrating fine events such as these,

Ty and Kelsey get hitched

Happy birthday Nanna!

Edmonton Folk Festival (We don't have a picture of us for some reason, so these lovely folks will do)

Lovely might be a stretch....but we do love her! :)

It was a good summer, but a little exausting (we drove across the prairies 7 times. Yes 7.). Let me illustrate this point in photos. The praires are beautiful.

Open... free
But the drive can be a little mundane at times. I have entitled the next series of photographs, "Across the Prairies, One Too Many Times." Here is how Scott keeps himself awake during the long. long, drive.

I don't recommend you try this last one, though if you are going to do it,
Saskatchewan would be about the best place for such a thing

After all this excitement we were ready to hide out and leave the country again so we threw our resumes out to the universe to see who would take us on a one year contract (most international schools accept a minimum 2 year contract). Two weeks later, we found ourselves stepping off a plane in Guangzhou ( a nice relaxing little city of 12 million in southern China), a little dazed and disoriented. "Huh? What? How exactly did this happen again?" We really never had any ambition to go to China, hadn't ever really considered it - and yet there we were. China.

Day 1 in China - view from our hotel room


Anonymous said...

So happy to see an update from you guys! And such attractive people in the pictures you posted. Wow.

We miss you guys and are reeeeeally looking forward to you coming home in July! (You're still coming home, right?...)

Sending hugs!

Kendrah said...

Hoooray!!! You're back in the blogging world. And if fine form at that! Great pics.

Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hip hip hurray!!! You're back!!! I can hear all about your adventures with a few clicks on a keyboard!! You should've done this a long time in February BEFORE i joined Facebook!!! Oh well...this means I can go on Facebook on a monthly basis instead of weekly...
See you July...righ?
Miss you lots,
Luwam K

Emma said...

Brad-Scott, when you were driving across the prairies, was Davidson on your right or left...?