Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Ceremony

A men's choir first walked into the church singing a rich, deep "Oh When the Saints Go Marching In" This was followed by Guy's sister, brother and 4 of their friends singing a song they had written. And then came Guy and Anja, Guy's 2 godparents, and Scott and I. Here's a peek at the ceremony.

The Rings

The Witnesses

The Vows

(Remember what I said about the vows earlier? The plan was to read vows from a traditional program. But, things don't always go as planned. When the moment came, the pastor said "Now you can say your vows to each other" (it was in French, but I figured it out by the fleeting panic on Anja's face. Once again they had to pull out impromptu vows. Good thing they had a little practice earlier in the day. I think I even heard a few lines from our wedding! :)

The Kiss

The Scene


I love these next two pictures so much that I had to make them larger. I think they sum up the atmosphere better than any others. Beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of vows, I had som practice attending 3 weddings that year, including yours of course, where I memorized your vows, because it was just what I fekt