Saturday, July 07, 2007

Day 2: Guy and Anja Arrive

On our second night, Guy and Anja arrived at our hotel in the dark, full of smiles and adrenaline. They were escorted by a crowd of boisterous cousins, jumping, dancing, hugging, kissing, beyond excited to have them here. A whirlwind of introductions begin as well as our induction into the Cameroonian way of greeting (kisses on alternating cheeks, four times). This was soon to become very, very familiar to us. Not a big deal when you only have to greet one or two people, but in a crowd of ten, fifteen, or twenty it is exhausting! I have never kissed so much in my life as over those three weeks.

Everyone quickly piles into the room we are sharing and in a matter of seconds the TV is on, music blaring and everyone is dancing. We are stunned by abrupt change of events (especially when compared to the past 24 hours, where Scott and I considered the discovery of dubbed italian soap operas to be excitement.) Hands pull us onto the dance floor and the party begins. Take a look... nasty comments about my dance moves - or lack thereof. :) Guy is hands down the star of this show and every other dance party we had - and there were many!


Leah said...

Wow, I just got back from Sproat Lake where we spent the last 4 days and was so delighted to find the Cameroon Installment - the first episodes- they are AWESOME!!! I'm so glad you took videos - I loved the dancing, but I must say that as a woman of advancing 'elder status' I don't think I could have survived the oh-so-lively street sounds after living on quiet Bowen Island, and I don't think I would have survived the soap opera either. Again, you have given me a vicarious travel experience ('priceless!') and I feel I am beginning to get acquainted with Guy and Anja! Looking foward to the next chapter!

tyrnandkelsey said...

You guys are master bloggers. You're right up there with marc 'n kylie. The soap opera is hilarious, I could totally see myself watching that in a Camaroonian hotel. The dance looks like an awesome time.

btw, I love the banner at the top of your page too. I tried to add one like that but I haven't been able to make it work yet.

I bet the wedding stories are best told in person, so I might ask you to indulge me at our wedding NEXT WEEK!!!

- Ty