Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Day in Split

Here are a few pics to show you how we are spending our days in Split.

We start the morning with a trip to the vegetable market, to scout out the best fruits and veggies and take in all the delicious sights and smells.

This is followed with brunch at the park.

Hav has a cheese problem called cheesitis, whereby she loses her ability to judge how large a piece of cheese should be purchased for a lunch in the park. This has occurred more than once. The piece in the picture is what remained after we had eaten! In her defense the cheese was delicious and has since been consumed.

We then engage in some wandering.

The old city is made up of the ruins of an ancient palace belonging to Diocletian. Its a great mixture of the old and new as the buildings are now home to the cities main trendy shopping district. Another interesting note- the streets here are made of a shiny white marble rather that the usual cobblestone that we have seen in so many other old cities. Splitians also seem to really like shoe shopping. It took us a while to notice that there was a ridiculous ammount of shoe stores in this part of the city, so we started to count. In 10 minutes of random walking at a slow pace, we passed 13 shoe stores. Split also has a thriving arts community with lots of art galleries and music in town. Hav ponders some prints.

We have heard quite a bit of opera and some jazz wafting through the streets, from hidden practice rooms. These guys were practicing singing some folk songs in an old dome where the acoustics were amazing. Four people sounded like fourteen.

We usually find some particularly engaging sight and settle in to watch. Yesterday, we happened across the shooting of a Karlovacka beer commercial, which made for a few hours of great entertainment.

Extras waiting for their turn.
The concept was to have 2 beautiful women sipping their beers at a sidewalk cafe (with other slightly less beautiful women behind them). Over to the side was to be a tour group from China taking pictures of the ruins of the palace. All of a sudden, one of them spots the chilled beer on the table and yells "beer!" and they all sprint to the beer with their cameras flashing and crowd around the table with the gorgeous women taking pictures of the beer (ignoring the women). The real entertainment for us was watching the fake Chinese tourists, who may have actually been real Chinese tourists. They spoke very little English, didn't have a translator and did not seem to have any experience doing this sort of thing. So, much of the time was spent with the director acting out how he wanted them to behave over and over and over. Pretty funny. Here they are running to the table with their cameras.

Director (in black) demonstrating camera clicking movements.

Take a look at the top of this picture and you can see Hav watching from a wall above the scene.

The evenings usually involve a cheap supper consisting of some sandwich/pizza/salad type of thing and then we hit the cafes where the rest of Split also heads to. Everyone finds themselves a seat with a drink and the watches the world go by. We also happened across this scene where crowds were gathered around tables of free drinks. Turned out to be the opening for some glass sculpture show. So we joined the crowd, had a drink and saw a glass sculpture exhibit. Last night there was a street performer festival, and we found a good jazz club but sadly our camera battery died so we can't prove it. And eventually... we make our way back to our little apartment. Here is our street.

And so ends a day in Split. Tomorrow we are off to the islands for some beaching.
Till then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one big piece of cheese.

;) Alice