Friday, April 20, 2007

Kickapoo Joy Juice. The BEST name for a drink. ever.

How we discovered Kickapoo:

Scott: I'd like to try a new drink. What's that little kid drinking in the green can?
Hav: I don't know.
Scott: Hm
Waiter: Stands in front of our table
Scott: What is that green can?
Waiter: mumbles something incoherent
Scott: Is it a fruit drink?
Waiter: mumbles something incoherent
Scott: Okay I'll get that
Hav: Did he just say "joy fruit?"
Scott: I don't think he speaks English

We receive the green can. "Kickapoo Joy Juice "

It tastes pretty much how it looks. A cross between Mountain dew and anti freeze. But with a name like that how can you resist?


Anonymous said...

Nuthin' like washing down a little dragon fruit with
some JOY JUICE.( or did that get cleaned out when water was thrown at you??) Lea

Leah said...

The name Kickapoo Joy Juice is from a cartoon strip that was popular in the 50's and 60's. It was called 'L'il Abner' and was about some hillbilly types and Kickapoo Joy Juice was their moonshine. I remember this because I used to read the weekend 'funnies' faithfully. Now I am feeling a bit old...
Oh, I loved the water blessing tradition. Providers of contact lenses must notice an increase in business for the new year!

jesperbot said...

How interesting Leah! Don't feel old. We need your years of wisdom to educate us on items of great importance such as which moonshine consumed by 'L'il Abner.' :)
love Havi