Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fruits of Southeast Asia

This was written a while ago, but is being posted now that we are back in a country that has not banned YouTube. If you hadn't heard, Thailand recently banned the site when someone posted disrespectful videos of the king. They take the monarchy very seriously in Thailand. And if you are wondering, we just arrived back in India early this morning (after yet another overnight haul) and now have a few days to spend before our flight to Frankfurt. Sadly, we are in Delhi...again...not our favorite place. South India, we miss you. In any case, back to the topic at hand. Fruit.

We've really been enjoying the fruit in this part of the world now. It started in Bangkok with all the portable fruit stands serving up papaya, green mango, guava, pineapple, durian, jackfruit, star fruit, dragon fruit, lichies, watermelon, and many more varieties. The fruit is so fresh and it's always cut up for you and put in a handy little bag including a little poking sticks for picking at it. And it's cheap. Very very cheap. We found an incredibly good fruit stand when we were in Penang, full of exotic fruit I've never seen before. So, each night we would find the fruit stand and try a bunch of these new things out. The follwing is a little description of what we experienced. Sorry, smell and taste not included.


Anonymous said...

right now i'm eating's somewhat tasteless, has the consistancy of mush, but does have a lovely color! Leanne

atombang said...

well then it musnt be very good watermelon ^_^

- Josh K

Anonymous said...

The fruit choices makes my mouth water and I would have loved to see the orchid gardens. Hope Frankfurt and the next stage of your tour is just as exciting with Mom-Z and Dad-Z. Keep up the great reporting and photos, please. - Lorna

Unknown said...

wow i've never seen fruit look like that before... that's the best part of travelling, trying out new foods! Yes that is coming from your brother darryl ya

Stephen said...

My envy grows with each new blog posting. Watta trip! Miss you both lots and anxiously await your return to the land of high gas prices, low fruit expectations, and alas, smaller per capita amounts of joy juice.
Stephen, Tanya and Hope