Saturday, March 10, 2007


Its easy to brush off Bangkok as a pitstop on the road, but it’s more like meeting someone who keeps telling you great stories. You just want to stay for one more. We stayed for a full 10 days and had a hard time getting away.

Bangkok is a city of contradictions. An old woman stands on the street tempting busy passersby with grilled fish and papaya salad, while teenagers in high heels strut by with their iced coffee. Barefoot monks shop for new computers, 7-11 convenience stores rest next to Buddhist temples, and traditional long-tail boats float by shiny skyscrapers. You could make similar comparisons in many big cities of the world, but the magic of Bangkok is how seamlessly these "contradictions" coexist. We love it. Check out this sign found in the shiny sky train station.

Our excuse for staying here so long was that we were waiting to meet up with Kendrah who was meeting us for her R&R from Sudan. Here is a look at how we spent our time.

Historical Sights
We saw the grand palace where royalty once lived , and wandered through many beautiful old Buddist temples.

Here is our favorite temple Wat Arun, decorated entirely from bits of Chinese porcelain left by Chinese ships in the 19th century that used tonnes of old porcelain as a ballast. Talk about an amazing example of the three Rs.

From a distance:

Close up:

The temple grounds are full of amazing little stone creatures hiding behind bushes. We have a whole collection of these in photographs. Here is one.


Oh my. Bangkok is the place to go shopping for...pretty much anything. First there are the markets - day markets, night markets, weekend markets - hot, congested places with thousands of little stalls. Here you can find anything from pets to vinyl records, independent designer clothing, paintings, one off motorcycle helmets, food, drinks, quirky home furnishing, rip off watches, exotic houseplants, and on and on. The amazing thing about these markets is the diversity of products and the fact that so many stalls sold items that could only be found there. The mother of all markets was the weekend "Chatachuck."

And then there are the shopping malls. I know. I know. We didn't go travelling the world to spend time in shopping malls. But they really are so very shiny shiny and each have a theme. There is the electronics mall. Seven floors of electronic bliss... We were here an embarassing number of times , but we were helping Kendrah shop for supplies for their office in Sudan.

Favorite sights here - 6 year old kids fighting over which colourful flash drive they wanted and of course, bare foot monks shopping for computers.

Then there are the clothing malls. Our favorite of which was full of independent designers. Walking through is a little like taking a stroll through a modern art gallery. Even the washroom signs are memorable.

And the kids in the neighborhood look a little like this.

Lumphini Park

The whole city seems to descend on this park every afternoon to work out. We took a walk through at sunset when thousands of people come out to take part in aerobics, jogging, paddleboating, badminton, thai kick boxing, weight lifting and many other activities.

The aerobics is quite a sight, with hundreds and hundreds of people jumping and dancing around every day. Then at exactly 6:00, the national anthem plays, and everyone freezes until it is over. The man at the back in the above photo was pretty funny as he was ad libbing his own Bollywood moves to the music.

Other highlights: enjoying the fresh fruit available on the street, riding a riverboat, cooling down by taking in a movie in one of the many cinemas downtown, taking in a jazz band at one of the clubs, and the new purchase of a zoom lens for our camera so we can feel like the paparazzi and be all sneaky and such.

10 days well spent.


atombang said...

Wow.. Thailand.. That's getting a lot closer to where we are!

If you're wondering who this is it's a cybernetically infused human esper living in Singapore.. I wish..
I’m actually a relative.. Namely Hav's dad's mother's sister's daughter's son; Josh.. Or you're cousin for that matter.. And your brother also Josh has been here as you should know o.O
You can imagine how chaotic it had been with two of us around x_x

So basically my mother and I have been frequenting here for a while and just hadn’t bothered to leave a comment until now.. Anyway, If you're planning to pass through Singapore (you had better or we'll go find you in Indonesia or something and make you regret it) we'll be more than happy to have you stay with us and give you tours of the best sights, sounds, and tastes in the country..

Both your parents and other Josh will be able to vouch for how great it is here because it is (except for the education.. Don’t make ANY teacher friends here!!!!!)

If you're avoiding the place because of some caved in bed story from your parents.. You'll be glad to know that it's been fixed.. And yes.. we DO have hot showers (but I don’t think you would want them much here) and clean towels for that matter..

So yeah.. you can contact my dad (Khoo Hock Seng) at or try to get by my blog's password :P it has something to do with pastry..

- Josh K

Unknown said...

Hi Josh! Welcome! We have been wondering who has been reading from Singapore (we have access to such info!). We may have to visit after all - rumour has it Singapore is good place to spend some time - we'll see what we can do. We are heading into Malaysia next, we'll keep you posted...
Thanks for the comment.
hav and scott

Anonymous said...

Hey Hav and Scott,
From Luwam...I'm writing my name in the front so that you don't have to scroll down to find out who wrote this.
By the way if you don't know who I am, I am the girl whose grace group leader is friends with your pastor’s wife whose godmother to one of their children is the one that drove me to your wedding so that I can do Hav's makeup for the day…i.e. your friend! Lets get this comment going!

WOW! If your mission was to make people jealous then I must say you’ve succeed very well! As I’m sitting in my very cold computer room with a blanket around myself I begin to think that its time to make you miss Edmonton.. So I’m going to tell you the very exciting 10days I’ve had. Day one-got up early (6:45am to be precise) on a cold day and then went back to sleep. Then woke up again at 7:11am realizing that I had less than 20 minutes to get out of the house or else I would be late for work! WORK! Do you guys remember what work is? Just incase you’ve forgotten let me remind you. This is the place where you have to spend 40 hrs a week in (only 37.5hrs of which is paid for!) After 8hrs at work I have a very full bus to run and catch b/c my last client took forever to get to his request! Then I get off the bus(or should I say attempt to get off b/c people are trying to enter the bus while 3/4 of the people on the bus are trying to get out!” So I leave the squished bus to get to my car when I realized someone has hit my car and scratched up the front end and forgot to leave a forwarding # so that I could call them and thank them for giving my car a new look!!! Those good Samaritans, they sure know how to remain anonymous . Finally arrived home thought about going to the gym but changed my mind b/c outside still very cold. I do the next best thing and make fudge and eat it. Day 2 pretty much the same thing as day one except my car is left alone for the most part with the exception of a small dent that someone generously gave my car on my passenger side. I finally go to the gym but don’t do much…I come home and have some fudge! Day 3-10 are pretty much the same with the weather yo-yoing up and down from +6 to -18(with wind-chill). Work stays the same except different people yell at me about things I have ABSOLUTELY no control over. Day 11 I am sitting here writing this and my fingers are so very cold! Why open the window? Well I though some fresh air would be nice!! But apparently I am wrong…good bye for now …I know that you are now longing for home and winter and work but try to be strong and keep going!!!
Miss you lots,

atombang said...

Well the rumors are true.. It IS a great place to spend time.. Especially with people who can show you the real Singapore, not the boring monotonous side that the expen$ive tours give you..

it's quite surprising you didn't know we're here? Especially with 3 of your family members having been here before.. So anyway, hope you do work Singapore into your plans.. We'd much like to have you stay with us, we never get bored or tired of bringing people out and around.. Also when you aren't out, there's always TV and our Xbox360s for indoor fun :P

- Josh K

Unknown said...


It's going to be okay...have a cup of tea, find a good book, - it is officially spring, right? You're on the home stretch. We'll send you some sand in the mail. And if nothing else works - we'll be in Italy in May. Come meet us. I heard the wine is cheaper than water. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
its me luwam again. i'm just showing Mina how to post a comment so that she can start doing it herself. she's very excited to do it b/c she has HIGH SPEED INTERNET (she used to have dial up). That's why she never posted anything previously, as it took to long to hook up muchless post something. but now you guys can expect something as i am commiting her to it officially (she's standing right beside me, laughing!).
As for italy in may that sounds wonderful, i'll see what I can do (maybe i'll go and buy a lottery ticket tomorrow!)
See you soon,

Unknown said...

Hey guys, Bangkok looks cool! Those shirts are definately a Scottie look! I can already picture Scott in the plaid shirts here in Edmonton! Does he fit right in anywhere he goes?!!! :)

Anonymous said...

You guys sure gave me a good laugh! I'm reading your blog at 6:00 a.m. and laughing, GREAT Story writing. Keep it up.

Mom Zubot