Sunday, March 04, 2007

ahhhh....the beach

At last we finally made it the beach to chillax a bit. And we were lucky enough to spend much of that time with Hav's aunt and uncle and cousins(Donna Mae, Jack, Ben, Anna). In fact we got so much into chillax mode that the picture taking suffered as well, so we don't have a great sampling of the beach, sorry about that. Anyway, here's a little snippet:

our hut
the fam at one of our usual beachfront restaurants
the group

Josh Jespersen and I have a little inside joke involving a dirty scrub pad left over from one of our kayaking trips. We've been passing this thing around for a couple years now in many inconspicuous ways. This 'pass off' takes the cake though. When we went to a small side beach for the day, I reached into the backpack to pull out my shirt, and to my surprise, a scrub pad falls out of the sleeve. My response to this is, "No, that can't is that possible?" But there it was in all its scuzzy glory. My thought was that somehow someone packed it into our bags three months ago before we left on our trip and we failed to spot it until now. The next thought was that maybe this was a similar looking article that just happens to be lying on the beach(in that case why am I picking it up?). But that too seemed unlikely. And then Hav noticed Anna had a little smile on her face. The culprits it turns out are the Stonehockers who cunningly hid the scrubber in my shirt. And get this, Josh had to fed ex the stupid thing to Stony Plain from Montreal so that they could bring it with them and complete the mission. Our re-enactment went something like this:

minding my own business while reading
"What's this?"
"No, it can't be!!!"
Ben and Scott with the prized possession. Well done Josh, well done.


Leah said...

I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE these pictures, and the ones on your previous postings. Makes me feel like I've been on a holiday to India every time I look at them. And the writing is wonderful, too. You have really contributed to my enjoyment of armchair (or should I say computer chair) travelling, thank you, my dears very much xoxo. Your blog just keeps getting better and better. There just are no words to express my feelings of gratefulness, maybe I should just mail you my scrubber.

Robin said...

Ok, this post is hilarious! You truly had me laughing out loud. :)

tyrnandkelsey said...

Happy 1st Day of Spring!
I'll go grab a scoop of free ice cream from Baskin Robins on Whyte Ave for you. (Even though is - 10 C)
The blog is great.

- Tyrn