Saturday, December 09, 2006

We Have Pictures!

We were able to get some pictures up today and will continue to do so when we can. The internet connections are slow and so this process takes a lot of time, but we will try. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Hey folks,
These pictures are great. Thanks for posting so often- it is good fun to read.
See you in a month!

Leah said...

Hi you two! Janice and I are currently reading your latest accounts while M and R are doing the dishes. J & M are here for a few days on their way home from Port Alberni. I love reading about your travels, it's the next best thing to visiting. Thank you so much! Now I'm going back to read more...
Love from us both.

Stephen said...

Great pics and comments, we're thinking of you guys alot. We had a great Christmas concert but missed having you two involved. Hope the rest of trip is awesome and I would love to hear news and see some pics of the wedding in Cameroon. Thanks for keeping us updated, both Tanya and I check in periodically to see how you're doing,
Love from Stephen, Tanya and Hope
psCam and Christine had a baby girl - Morgan Christine Worthing - cute as a button

Unknown said...

Hey kids. The Anoop Hotel in Delhi (Main Bazzar) was OK.. at least it was cheap. While we didnt see it at all in Daylight we are thinking of staying there when we get back into Delhi unless you tell us other wize & find us another cheap place. See you soon- hope you are safe & well.

We need to arrange a place to meet if we do not end up staying in the same Hotel (I would prefer to stay somewhere as near to you as possible).

Post here & I will check it when we get back from our Trek- or post somethin on our Blog- Hav I sent the address to your old e-mail (not jesperbot-sorry).
