Friday, May 30, 2008

Vacation Part 2

From time to time we are going to go back and show you how we spent our vacations this year. Here is Part 2.

December: Austria

Yes, you read that right. We went to Austria for Christmas. And no, Austria is not that close to China. In fact we could have flown back to Canada in the same amount of time. But we went to Austria for the second part of Neil (Scott's brother) and Esther's wedding. They had had an earlier ceremony in Canada that we couldn't make it to so we were pretty happy to get to Austria for the second half. Not only did we get to see Neil and Esther (actually meet her and her family for the first time), but hey, it's Austria! Hard to think of a nicer spot for a winter vacation. It was the perfect break from big city China. Blue skies, (oh how we miss blue sky!), sparkling frost, sledding, skiing, fantastic friendly people, all the food we miss (real bread, good cheese, wine, chocolate) and a lovely wedding to top it all off. Good times.

Before the Wedding:

The Ceremony:

Neil singing to Esther

The Reception:

The reception was in a cozy little Austrian inn - simple and beautiful.

mmm... schnitzel

Winter Wonderland:

Esther's home - where we stayed

Quite the spectacular background for sledding!

Neil and Esther

Getting some air...Neil


Scott almost loses his glasses

We also spent 2 fantastic days skiing in the alps but for some strange reason have no pictures to show for it. Sorry! (Dear Neil and Esther - please send us some skiing pictures so that we can insert them here.)


Did you know they use real candles on their Christmas trees in Austria?!!?? Just like the story books! And for all you Ford/Stonehockers out there - Does this not look remarkably like Anna?

Breakfast with good bread and jam and cheese and coffee and....

Sight Seeing in Salzburg:

View from the castle

Sightseeing in Vienna:

Best thing about Vienna? Mulled wine sold on every street corner. Warms you up nicely and tastes so good!

And that was Austria.


Kendrah said...

So here's another absurd small world coincidence. One of my friends here in Juba knows Neil - taught him for a while when he was at Uni! Go figure...

And that DOES look a LOT like Anna. I was trying to figure out what Anna was doing in Austria prior to reading your comment.

Anonymous said...

That looks like the most romantic Christmas setting ever.