Friday, July 27, 2007

On the Way to Yaounde

Sorry.....been busy. It's been a while. We know. Again, sorry.

The next leg of our journey in Cameroon was a bus ride to Yaounde (the capital city) where the first half of Guy's immediate family lives. Finding the right bus was a bit of an ordeal, especially considering Guy is very particular when it comes to the transportation of his fiance. ;) No rickety rust bucket with goats tied to the roof for him!

We eventually found a satisfactory safe-ish looking bus after checking out a few bus stations. I scored a front row seat as I could tell that the trip was going to be a bit hard on my stomach (word of wisdom for others plagued with motion sickness - taking a long bus ride after eating a grilled fish for breakfast is possibly not the best idea). I survived without any major upsets, and had a great view of the scenery. However, I didn't have the camera with me, so here are some pictures through the window of the very back seat courtesy of Anja. They are a little blurry/smudged, but provide an authentic "like you are right there" sort of feel. Take a look.

gas station



one of the many street bars

snacks for sale at a stop (always the best part of a bus trip)

Here's a random little note about this journey. Halfway through, a man gets up in the aisle and calls something out to the driver who promptly pulls the bus over. The man gets out along with 6 or 7 others. Yep, you guessed it, a roadside pee stop. But the interesting part is this - it is the only country in the world where I have seen women join in the event. And I am not talking about hiking out into the bushes as I would be tempted to do. Nope, they just pull up their skirt and join the crowd. So take that world. Cameroonian women chalk up a point in the gender equality game. Though it does require wearing a skirt....

1 comment:

Leah said...

I love the pics out of the window of the bus, it really is like a little personal travel experience when I read your entries. Re your last comment, I guess this is a pretty good reason for wearing a skirt, (not overly long but very full cut) and it would sure beat standing in those long lineups to use a nasty bathroom.