Saturday, June 09, 2007

if we just eat plums, we could save a lot of money here

We are back. Sorry. We took a one month hiatus not because we don't value your readership, but because we have been living in a tent, in the outskirts of little towns and out of reach of decent internet. Sigh. We miss internet. From now on our posts will have to be much more succinct as long gone are the days of cheap access. Sigh.

So to bring you up to speed, we spent the last month in Italy with Scott's parents (more on that to come once we can find a place to upload pictures). After they left, we met up with my sibs, for one week in lovely Umbria for some serious R and R time. Special times were had...with special people. :) More on this later as well.

After J and K left, we took a night train from Rome to Trieste and then hopped on the first bus to Slovenia. We spent a day by the seaside in Piran and then moved on to Croatia where we plan to spend the next 3 weeks before going home on the first of July (how patriotic of us!).

Our first thought on Croatia:
1. the beaches are pebbly
2. people like to trampoline a lot
3. the old ladies on the bus are really chatty and will talk to you at great length if you just nod your head now and then
4. the sea is a stunning blue green
5. plum trees grow like weeds
6. if we just eat plums, we could save a lot of money here
7. the veggie markets are full of people selling from their home gardens (oh so good)
8. people sell homemade olive oil/schnapps on the highway
9. beer is cheap
10. all the kids we have met speak incredibly good English
11. Lisa Selvey has a twin in Croatia
12. there are many similarities to Italy in terms of beautiful landscape and availability of pizza, but subtract the hordes of tourists and the resulting hype - so far we are liking it very much

More to come...

1 comment:

atombang said...

hey guys! good to hear from you all again.. though im guilty of not blogging for a looong time too..

croatia sounds nice.. hope to hear more from you soon :)

Josh K