Monday, January 22, 2007

We Have Prizes.

Sorry about disappearing once again. The last few weeks have been...well...quite busy. And every time we actually find an internet cafe and attempt to post something we end up dealing with major technical difficulties or being distracted by chatty people on skype/msn. Not that we really mind. So just to let you know, we are indeed still alive, we've just been jamming far too many experiences into far too little time.

Thanks to those of you who have sent emails complaining about the lack of up to date information on our blog. We appreciate a little prodding now and then. And an extra big thank you to those who have submitted comments - so fun to read and check. Our weekly contest may have turned into a monthly event, but never the less, here are the results.

For the following categories:
Most Frequent Commenter: Us! Yes indeed, we have commented the most on our own blog. Rather sad actually.
Best Comment Commenting on the State of Comments: Josh has this one hands down
Most Stressed Out Comment that Makes Us Glad that we are Aimlessly Traveling the World Instead of Working For an NGO in Sudan: We have to admit it was close, but we give this one to Kendrah (besides we really think she needs a prize)
Most Creative Comment: Leah!!! Did you see her poem?!? Truly a dedicated reader of our fine publication. Amazing. How long did that take you?
Comment That Makes us Feel Most Loved: Steve Tanya and Hope (but sorry we're having far too much fun to come home any time soon)

Honorable Mention goes to Ryan for the comment he tried to post but then emailed us with the muppets analogy, and to Jess for the birthday greeting (I love birthdays). As for the rest of you, we assure you that your comments too were appreciated, but not everyone can win so tough luck. Try again. Winners will receive their prize in the mail. How exciting...

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