Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Hazards of Tour Guides

November 25

We met our guide at the gates of the medina for our "walking tour" of the city. Instead, he made us hire a taxi as he didn't seem to want to walk much. He took us to the south entrance of the medina where we began walking. We were feeling all right though, because he promised to give us the best tour and the day before said he wouldn't take us to any carpet or other shops, because we wanted a historical tour. Within 10 min. we were overlooking the tanneries from a leather goods shop. It was a great view of the workers dying the skins, though. And when we were brought into the store we did our required walkthrough and said thanks and were on our way. Or so we thought - when we came out, our tour guide was in the middle of a glass of mint tea. With a grunt of annoyance, he handed the tea off to a friend and we were indeed on our way. We walked through and absolute labrynth of corridors, doorways and winding streets, occasionally stopping to quickly point out an ancient mosque, medera(school) or islamic library. Soon enough we found ourselves led to another shop and another. The upside was that we got to look inside some incredible old buildings and wander up little stairways that we otherwise would have never found. The downside was that we didn't want to shop and each time after emerging back to the street, we would find our guide sitting down in the middle of some meal or drink. It was apparent that he had little interest in walking and much more interest in collecting a comission from our purchases while he sat outside and feasted. We ended the tour early and found our way back to our hotel, past spice stalls, carts selling nouget, jewellry souqs and henna vendors. After a bite to eat at our sandwich place, we made our way to the bus station and caught the bus to Meknes.

A note about sandwiches - Morocco is brimming with little hole in the wall sandwich stalls. You usually choose your meat (chicken, beef, sausage or liver) which has been marinated to juicy goodness, and is then grilled with veggies(tomatoes, onions, sliced olives, and cilantro) and served to you piping hot in a baguette w/ a side of fries for the equivalent of $1.75 CAD. Oh, and the fries are served with little dishes of mayo and dijon mustard for dipping. Nice!


tyrnandkelsey said...

Good writing! I'll be checking in often. I love the stories of the commission tour! I've had the same experience in S.E. Asia.
Can you post more photos? I know it can be difficult to do from internet cafes. I remember spending long hours in slow-as-molasses internet cafes trying to send pictures home, when in the end the computer would crash while sending, almost without fail.


Sherri said...

Hey Hav and Scott! Great to hear about your adventures. Looking forward to having you 'show me' your trip...yes Hav we are deep into writing here. I must say I'm a bit envious of the climate you are enjoying as I attempt to negotiate the ruts already developing in adventerous residential streets of Edmonton. I'll keep checking in - S

jesperbot said...

Thanks. Sorry about the lack of pictures. We have quite a few, but have had no end of troubles trying to get them posted. We're working on it...