Friday, November 24, 2006

Our First Post

Well hello all and greetings from Fez, Morrocco. Yes, we have arrived safe and sound if a wee bit tired, so you can stop worrying now! :) For those of you that do so.

So the quick re-cap of events. We had a great flight to London - actually had incredible service on the plane (I couldn't believe it was air canada) - must have had something to do with the fact that the plane was pretty empty. At one point we each had three drinks on our tray. We couldn't keep up!

Arrived in London at noon and then attempted to decipher the train system and make a plan for the day. Somehow we had the most UNHELPFUL information desk service people ever! Our qestions were answered with one syllable answers, mumbles and a few grunts - actually quite funny in retrospect, but not at the time. Our third time through the info desk finally got us what we needed to know. We got a day pass on the tube to central london, checked our bags in to a storage place a the train station and set off to see London.

Though it was only 4:00, it was getting really dark, but we still accomplished quite a bit. We saw the queen....'s house, and happened to get there for the changing of the guards.

(In front of Buckingham Palace)

We then found our way to Westminister Abby. They weren't letting tourists in, so I asked if there was a service, and voila they let us in. We weren't allowed to walk around, but were directed through some gates and alleys, past the tombs into the back of the church. There, with about 50 others, we sat on small benches lit with red lamps and witnessed the daily evensong. There was an amazing choir of about 20 priests, and a pipe organ. It was a bit surreal.

For the rest of the night we walked around the city taking in the crazy night life, trying not to get hit by cars driving on what we thought were sidewalks, and counting live theatre venues. We had no idea that theatre was such a big deal there(we walked past at least 15 major venues). We had fish and chips in a pub for supper, bought some roasted chestnuts to keep us warm(very chilly there from the humidity), and headed back to the train station to catch the tube to Luton. Spent yet another night without decent sleep in the airport.

We arrived in Fez to beautiful sunshine(around 20) and caught the bus into town. Had fun chatting with some girls from Quebec, and befreinded an architect from Norway. We had our guard up after reading about all the aggressive touts. But in all honesty, it is pretty relaxed and they don't bother us much. We are staying in a hotel right in the old city(surrounded by a wall and full of tiny winding streets). Our room opens out onto a terrace with a great view of the streets below.

We haven't done much yet. Just had some delicious couscous and then went back to our room to sleep off the last two nights. Seven hours later, we are in the internet cafe. Now we'll probably be up all night. Ah well.

So that's where we're at right now. We will attempt to explore the city tomorrow. Will keep you posted...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott and Hav,
I've enjoyed your trip and all the wonderful pictures! Was surprised to see my name on your blog! I know your source. This week we leave for Vancouver for Judy and Joseph's wedding where Neil will be playing Norwegian Hardanger Fiddle (the Osterdalen bridal march and Ode to Joy) music with Esther and Myra Zubot Mitchell! We'll miss you at the wedding! This will be a first for Neil and Myra to play together. Wonderful! Today it is snowing in Lumsden and I know your parents will be excited to meet you in Europe! We talked about you visiting Joseph and Judy in Dubai!?! More on that later!

Blessings to you both! Love Olive and family.